Wednesday, January 21, 2015

engage Scotland: Developing or Updating your Child Protection Policy Training Workshop

An engage Scotland training workshop delivered by Children in Scotland
Tuesday 24 March 2015
DCA, 152 Nethergate, Dundee, DD1 4DY

This one day workshop offers training on developing or updating organisational child protection policies based on the Creative Scotland/Children in Scotland Creating Safety publication.

This workshop is aimed at anyone working in galleries, visual arts organisations, museums and heritage venues with responsibility for child protection.

Having an effective child protection policy can help to create a child-safe organisation. A robust child protection policy should ensure that children and young people are safe and protected from abuse and exploitation and that staff are aware of risk factors, able to recognise signs of abuse and confident in dealing with any risks or allegations that they may encounter. The overriding aim must be to protect children from risk and abuse and to ensure that they enjoy learning experiences, but protection of staff and organisations are also key factors.

Participants at this training workshop will gain a basic understanding of what is required when creating or updating their own child protection policy as well as advice on where to locate further information and support.

By attending you will be able to:
 - Develop your skills and knowledge
 - Share your own practice
 - Build contacts and network
 - Discuss child protection issues that can arise in gallery and museum settings in working with challenging artwork or exhibitions and collections and young people.

Numbers at the workshop are limited to 20 so please book early to make sure of a place.
£25     student/artist bursary rate - limited number of places            
£50     individual engage members
£100   organisational engage members
£150   non engage members

Visit for further information, including a programme and details on how you can book your place.

Participants will also be able to visit DCA’s exhibition:
Florian & Michael Quistrebert
Hypnotic abstract videos and paintings by collaborative French brothers Michael (born 1976) and Florian (born 1982). Based in Paris and Amsterdam, the artists are nominated for the prestigious Marcel Duchamp Prize.


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Access to Archives for Disabled People

Request for contributors

We are planning to hold a free workshop on accessibility on Friday 17 April at Tower Hamlets Local History Library & Archives, London.

The workshop is aimed at archivists, special collections and outreach staff who are looking for ways to improve access to their collections for disabled people.

We will present a case study of our Out of the Box project ( recently funded by the Arts Council, to share lessons learned with colleagues in the archives sector. I am looking to expand the lineup of speakers, and would like to hear from any colleagues within the cultural heritage sector who have delivered similar projects or who have specific arrangements in place for disabled audiences to access their (document-centric) collections -- particularly if you would like to share and discuss your work with the assembled group. Please contact me via email if you would like to contribute.

Themes of interest include
- Identifying barriers
- Marketing your service
- Resource discovery
- Consulting and interpreting collections
- Improving physical access
- Creative responses to archive collections (and other ‘outcomes’)
- Policies vs. projects
- Evaluating success

I will circulate a programme for the day nearer the time, with event booking instructions for list members who would like to attend.

Many thanks,


Tamsin Bookey
Heritage Manager
Tower Hamlets Local History Library & Archives
277 Bancroft Road
London E1 4DQ

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Job Opportunity: Project Manager: Skills for the Future - Opening Up Scotland’s Archives

Job Title: Project Manager
Hours: Part time (0.5 FTE)
Fixed Term position:  February 2015 to October 2017
Salary: £30,610 pro rata per annum

We have a new opportunity for a Project Manager with a heritage or education background to manage the implementation of our project ‘Opening Up Scotland’s Archives’. This is an exciting new Skills for the Future programme funded under the Heritage Lottery Fund to broaden access routes to working in archives and to diversify the archives workforce.

The role requires not only successful upfront project management to deliver three cohorts of trainees to a number of partners nationwide, but also to work with the trainees and partners to ensure a successful skills development experience through a programme of practical job-based learning.

Candidates must have excellent people skills, experience of the full training cycle, recruitment experience and demonstrable project management skills. Experience of heritage skills, education programmes or partnerships and consortium working would be advantageous but not necessary. The main office is located in the city centre of Edinburgh and the successful candidate must be willing to travel.

Scottish Council on Archives will offer the successful candidate an attractive salary, flexibility in hours and 30 days holiday per year (pro rata).

Download the full job description at To apply please send a C.V. and supporting statement with two referees. Please note that if you are invited to interview, you will asked to complete a series of competency-based tasks on the day of interview.

A C.V. and supporting statements should be emailed to or Scottish Council on Archives, General Register House, 2 Princes Street, Edinburgh EH1 3YY.

Please quote the job title in the subject line.

Please note, closing date for applications is 5pm on 19 January 2015.

Benjamin Bennett
Communication and Operations Officer

General Register House  2 Princes Street  Edinburgh  EH1 3YY  E  T  +44 (0)131 535 1362  M  +44 (0)787 520 0694  Follow us @ScotsArchives

A Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SC044553)