Friday, August 22, 2014

Exploring Your Family History Resources

Family History and Ancestral Tourism – are you making the most of your resources? Take the opportunity to come along and discuss the subject with archive colleagues. It’s also a good chance to visit a purpose built, £10.5 million Heritage Lottery Funded facility!

This training event is limited to 30 places on a first come first serve basis.

Venue - Highland Archive & Registration Centre, Bught Road, Inverness, IV3 5SS, Scotland.

Date – 26 September 2014.

10.00     Registration. Tea/Coffee

10.30     Welcome

10.40     “Engaging with other Heritage Providers”, Chris Halliday, Family History Leader,
                Highland Archive Service

11.10     “The Aberdeen & North East Scotland Ancestral Tourism Partnership”, Phil Astley,
City Archivist, Aberdeen City & Aberdeenshire Archives

11.50     Workshop. “Engaging with local groups”

12.20     Lunch

1.00        “The Mystery of the Blue Jacket Boy-How the Orkney Archive Blog Helped Bring a WW1
                Sailor’s Letter Home”, Lucy Gibbon, Assistant Archivist, Orkney Library & Archive

1.40        Workshop. “The pros & cons of social media”

2.20        Tea/coffee

2.40        “Collaboration for Homecoming”, Julie Corcoran, Network Librarian Inverness Library,
Cait McCullagh, Curator (Collections Engagement) Inverness Museum & Art Gallery &
Janet Baker, Education & Outreach Co-ordinator, Highland Archive Service

3.20        Workshop “Where does your service sit in your organisation: is it a help or a hindrance”

3.45        Q&A

4.00        Close

A tour of the building will be available at 4pm for those wishing to stay behind.
For details on booking, follow the link below:

Scottish Council on Archives - CPD Education Workshops

The Scottish Council on Archives is launching a programme of five further education workshops for archive staff. These CPD opportunities will help you to learn skills and techniques that will enable the use of collections to develop educational resources and activities:
The workshops are developed and facilitated by the SCA Education Development Officer,Douglas Roberts. Full details and how to book can found on the SCA website at:

Monday, August 11, 2014

ARA Training Group: Facilitators Training Day, 19th September

Are you interested in learning how to organise training days? Not sure how to run a workshop session? Keen to get more involved with ARA and contribute to your professional development? Then the ARA Facilitators Training Day is for you.

The ARA Training Group are running a FREE training day for training course facilitators on Friday 19th September at The Hive in Worcester. If you are interested in providing training or getting more involved in the ARA, your region or section but don't know where to start then this is the course for you. The course would also prove useful to those who frequently have to present to large groups, or run workshop sessions as part of their job.

This one day course will cover all aspects of organising and running a training event including planning, budgeting, running workshop sessions, use of social media and the basics of events management.

The ARA Training Group is recruiting a pool of facilitators to help run training events across the UK and Ireland. This will be a great opportunity to get more involved with the association, learn new skills and further your professional development. This course is free to ARA members and after attending the course you'll be added to our pool of facilitators who we can call on to help us run the very successful Core Training courses (subject to your availability and travel).

Refreshments and lunch will be provided on the day and the Training Group are able to assist with travel expenses for attending the event.

Sessions and speakers on the day will include:
o             Running an ARA Training Event (Lizzy Baker)
o             Event Management (Marie Owens)
o             Preparing a Budget (Hannah Jones)
o             Publicity and Communications (Kathryn Rooke)
o             How to Run a Workshop (Jessamy Carlson)
o             'How to Deliver' - Presentation Skills (Marie Owens)
o             Using Social Media (Laura Cowdrey)
o             'It Shouldn't Happen to a Training Officer' - roundtable discussion session on preparing for the   unexpected!

Or for more information, please contact course organiser Hannah Jones (