Friday, February 20, 2015

Archives for Learning and Education Annual Conference 2015: Call for Papers

Unfortunatley the ALES annual conference has had to be cancelled. We will post detail of our AGM as soon as possible. 

Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age

Heritage Quay, University of Huddersfield, 5th June 2015

The nature of teaching and learning has traditionally focused on the transmission model: the passing of knowledge or information from educators to students. However, new and emerging technologies have challenged this approach by emphasising the quality of knowledge and how it is acquired, and also by fostering more participative and collaborative methods of teaching and learning.

Archive services across the UK are contributing to this transformation by embracing digital and online technology to create, share and disseminate knowledge and information more widely, and to engage with different groups of users and learners including schools, university students, adult learners and community groups.

This one-day conference would like to explore how archivists, education and outreach officers, and other professionals working in the heritage sector are responding to the challenges and opportunities presented by online and digital learning, particularly at a time of significant financial constraints in the sector. Questions that we wish to cover on the day include:

  • how can archive services support digital learning?

  • to what extent has digital learning improved access and changed perceptions about archives?

  • what skillsets and resources are required to engage in digital learning?

  • what can archive professionals learn from teachers and educators who use digital technology in the classroom?

  • how can the archives and education professions exchange good practice and ideas?

We are inviting 30 minute presentations focusing on practical experiences and case studies around these topics. If you are interested please email Maria Castrillo, ALES training officer (, an abstract with an outline of your proposal.

The deadline for submissions is 20th March. Once all submissions have been received a small committee will meet to review them and make a selection.

Kind regards,

Maria Castrillo
ALES Training Officer


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